Heyo Privacy Policy

Heyo Privacy Policy



This is the Privacy Policy of  Dreamtown Global HK Limited and Heyo and its various & next versions including Heyo APP version (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Heyo", "us", "we", or "our") and is incorporated into and is subject to our Terms of Use. In this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”), we refer to our products and services as the "Service".


Heyo has always solemnly promised to protect the privacy of users who use our products and service (collectively “user” or “you”). When you use the Service, we may collect and use your personal data. The protection of your personal data is of great importance to us. This Policy therefore intends to inform you about how Heyo, acting as data controller, collects and processes your personal data (or referred to as “personal information”) that you submit or disclose to us. We may also act as data processor when we process your personal data received or obtained through third parties.


We encourage you to read this Policy carefully (especially the contents highlighted in bold or underlined) before using the Service to make the appropriate choice. If you do not agree to this Policy, please do not register, log in, visit or use the Service, and do not provide us with your personal data. If you do not wish certain kinds of your personal data to be used by us as set out in this Privacy Policy, please note that in such a case, we may not be able to provide you with the corresponding parts of our services, you may not have access to and/or be able to use some features of our services, and your customer experience may be impacted. When you agree to all terms and conditions hereof this Police, you agree that we will deal with your personal information in accordance with this Policy.


After reading this Policy, if you have any questions about this Policy or matters related hereto, you can contact us through the feedback channels listed in Section X "How to Contact Us" , and we will give you an answer as soon as possible.



I. Personal Data that We May Collect

II. How Will We Collect and Use Personal Information

III. How Will We Use COOKIES and Similar Technologies

IV. We May Share, Transfer or Disclose the Information

V. How Will We Keep, Save and Protect the Information

VI. How to Manage Your Information

VII. Service Provided by Third Parties

VIII. Age Limit

IX. Notice and Amendment

X. How to Contact Us


I. Personal Data that We May Collect

The main purpose of collecting your personal information is to enable you and other users to use our products and services in a more convenient and satisfying way. Our goal is to provide a safe and fun online experience for all users and collecting information will help us achieve it. When you use the Service, we may collect and process information that may be directly or indirectly related to your personal identity. In both instances, such information may constitute personal data subject to this Policy.


(I) Information Not Directly Related to Your Personal Identity

When you use the Service, we may collect and process information such as the user’s source route, access sequence and so on, such as record the source route and browser software of each user who uses the Service.


(II) Information Related to Your Personal Identity

When you use the Service, we may collect and process or request you to provide information related to personal identity, such as date of birth, gender, hobbies, personal phone number, facial features; online identification information (including system account, IP address, email address, and password and answers to password protection of the foregoing); personal property information (including dealing records, balances, virtual gifts, membership-rewards, coupons, and bank card information); communication information; personal online records and log information (including website browsing records, software usage records, click records, and operation logs); device information (including device model, device MAC address, operating system type and device settings); software list unique device identifier (such as IMEI/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID, information describing basic information of personal devices including IMSI information of the SIM card); location information (including trip information, precise positioning information, accommodation information, and latitude and longitude).


Please note that if you upload or post information in public areas that are visible to other users in the Service and you disclose your personal information in response to information uploaded or posted by others, such information may be collected and used by others. When you find that other users improperly collect or use information from you or others, please contact us as guided in Section X “How to Contact Us”.


II. How Will We Collect and Use Personal Information

(I) We Will Collect and Obtain Your Information through the Following Ways


1. Information provided by you. For example:

(1) Information provided by you when you register an account for the Service or use Heyo;

(2) Sharing information provided by you to other users through the Service, and information saved when you use the Service.


Please note that if you upload, post or make your information public in a public area visible to other users or in response to other users, such your information may be collected and used by other users. When you find that other users improperly collect or use information from you or others, please contact us as guided in Section X “How to Contact Us” below.


2. Your information shared by other users, also sharing information about you provided by other users when they use the Service.


3. Your information obtained by us. The information collected, summarized and recorded by us when you use the Service, such as log information, location information and device information.


(II) We Will Collect and Use Your Information for the Following Purposes

1. Help you to complete the registration and login

In order for us to provide the Services for you, you need to provide basic registration or login information, such as mobile phone number (personally sensitive information), verification code matching results (personally sensitive information), nickname, gender, date of birth, and profile picture etc., used to create an account (username and password).


You can also log in Heyo using our supported third-party platform accounts, and in such cases we will obtain the relevant information about you (such as your nickname, avatar) under the third- party account according to your authorization.


Your above personal data provided by you or obtained by us from your third-party platform account under your authorization, is therefore processed for these purposes in order to provide you with and perform the Service based on your engagement with us. Without this personal data, we are not able to provide you with our services, and you will not be able to log in or use Heyo.


You may also fill in your additional information (such as your location, height, occupation, weight, education, annual income, profile, personal label, interests and hobbies) during registration, login or subsequent use, which will help us to provide personalized recommendations and better service experience for you. However, if you do not provide this information, it will not affect your use of the basic functions of our product and the Service.


2. Implement Real Person Verification

In order for us to verify you are a real person, and to guarantee the security of system, service and users' property, you need to provide your real person verification information, in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements that are applicable.


For example, when you reply to a private message, use the voice/video calling services, you may need to provide your profile photo (personal sensitive information) and your personal photos of specified actions instructed by us (personal sensitive information). We will make the photo comparison to complete the real person verification (hereinafter referred to as "Real Person Verification").


Please note that your profile photo, real person photo belongs to your sensitive personal information. Please be careful to provide them. If you do not agree to provide such information, you may not be able to obtain relevant services, but it does not affect your normal use of other functions and services of Heyo.


3. Provide you with search services

When you use the search function in Heyo, we need to collect your search terms, browsing history, browsing time, number of interactions with them. We collect this information in order to provide you with the content you need and services that may be of more interest to you.


4. Provide you with interaction and information release services

When you use Heyo to upload, post, share some information (including text, comment, audio, video, picture, or other content), or follow, send gifts to other users, we will collect and display the information published or formed by you in Heyo, and have the right to display your nickname and avatar.


(1) When you upload your avatar, conduct real person verification, post your audio bio, or publish your moments/status (including upload and share pictures, texts, audios, videos and other content), we will apply for your permission to access to your microphone, camera, photos, storage rights, and collect the voice/audios, video, photos, pictures, texts and other contents provided by you through such microphone and camera. If you do not agree to give us the permission, you may not be able to obtain relevant services, but it does not affect your normal use of other functions and services of Heyo. Please note that the audio, photos and videos you upload may contain your sensitive personal information, please be careful to provide them. Further If the information you post involves personal information of others, you shall obtain the consent of others before posting.

(2) When you follow some user accounts that you are interested in, or communicate and interact with such user accounts (such as like, comment, share content), we will collect the user accounts you follow and show you the content published by such accounts. Meantime, we will also collect your interactions, comments, thumb ups, and shared content with other user accounts, and display or push notifications to relevant users in Heyo.

(3) When you send virtual gifts purchased in Heyo with your coins to other users, we will collect your avatar/profile picture, nickname, gift data and show such information to other users.

(4) When you use the "Clan" function in Heyo, we will collect your activity information, including the Family/Group information that you join in, such as the Family/Group's name, announcement, settings, members and their nicknames and avatars.

(5) In order to recommend nearby users or push personalized content to you, we may request your permission to access to your location information (personal sensitive information). If you agree to give such permission to us, we will collect and show your location information to other users. You can turn off your location function at any time. When you do, we will no longer collect your location information or show it to other users.


5. Provide you with services of audio chat, voice chat, video chat

When you use services of audio chat, voice chat and video chat, we will apply for your permission to access to your microphone and camera. If you do not agree to give us such permission, you will not be able to use relevant services, but your normal use of other functions in Heyo will not be affected.


6. Provide you with recharge and inquiry services

When you recharge (to get coins in Heyo), we will collect the information of your purchase order and payment account. If you query the remaining value of your virtual property in your user account, we will collect and show the information to you on the relevant page. Please note the information of your recharge, purchase order, account and virtual property are your sensitive information, please be careful to provide and use them.


7. Provide you with calendar-based record and reminder services.

Only after you give us the permission to access to your calendar, we will get your schedule listed in your calendar and provide you with services of record and reminder.


8. Maintain account security, service operation, and optimize service experience

When you use the Service, in order for us to identify account anomalies, understand product suitability, provide basic services (such as browsing and searching), and maintain the normal operation of basic function, we may automatically collect, store and process the information about services you use and the way you use them, including:


(1) Log Information: when you use the Service, we may automatically collect details of your use of our services and keep them as relevant web logs. The log information we collected including your login account, content searched, IP address, type of browser, telecom operator, network environment, language used, visit date and time, and the webpage browsing record that you visit, push open record, stay time, refresh record, publish record, follow and subscribe record, favorite and share record.

(2) Equipment information: according to your specific permission granted during your installing and use of Heyo, we will receive and record the information about the equipment you use (including the IMEI, MAC, Serial, SIM card IMSI identification number, equipment type, operating system and its version, version of APP, resolution, package name, device setting, list of process and software, the only device identifier, software and hardware feature information), and the equipment location information (including IP address, GPS location and other information related to , such as WLAN access point, Bluetooth sensor information, base station sensor).


In order to collect the above basic personal device information, we will apply for permission to access to your device information. We collect such information in order to provide you with our basic services and functions. If you refuse to provide such permission, you may not be able to use the Service.


Please note that it is impossible to identify a particular natural person only depending on the device information and/or log information, so the device information and log information itself is non-personal information. But if such non-personal information is used in combination with other information to identify a particular natural person, or used in combination with other personal information, during the period of such combined use it will be deemed personal information. In case of such combined use, it will be processed as personal information and get protected according to this Policy. Unless authorized by you or otherwise provided by applicable laws and regulations, such personal information will be anonymized and de-identified by us.


9. Provide you with customer service or user response service

When you contact us for customer service or user response (such as inquiry, feedback, suggestion, complaint, etc.), we may require you to provide necessary personal information to match and verify your user identity, so as to ensure the security of your account and system. We may store information such as your communication/call history and conversation or the contact information you left behind in order to contact you or help you solve problems, or to document the solutions and results of the related issues.

Your personal data is therefore processed for these purposes in order to provide you with and perform the services based on your engagement with us. This personal data may also be processed in order to safeguard your legitimate interests of obtaining pertinent information and other related data regarding your services obtained from Heyo.


10. Provide you with information display and recommendation service

We may use your information (such as your interests and hobbies, personality label, browsing and search records, device information, habits, location information, order information and so on, if any ) and the combination thereof, through the recommendation algorithm modeling, programming, advertising model, user behavior analysis, user portrait, to extract your browsing, search preferences, behavioral habits, location information, in order to provide you with more page display fitting your needs and recommend the personalized content.


11. Push notifications to you

We may send you notices related to the service when necessary (for example when we suspend a single service, change, or stop providing a single service due to system maintenance).

If you do not wish to continue to receive messages we have pushed, you may request us to stop the push. For example, according to the SMS unsubscribe guidelines, you may request us stop sending promotional SMS messages or set up on mobile devices to stop receiving messages from us. However, except when we send messages according to the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.


12. Provide you with security

In addition to authentication, we may use your information for customer service, security precautions, fraud monitoring, archiving and backup purposes to ensure the security of the services provided by us to you; we may use or integrate your information collected by us, and our partners obtain the information authorized by you or legally shared information to comprehensively determine your account and transaction risk, conduct identity verification, detect and prevent security incidents, and take necessary records, audits, analysis and disposal actions according to the law.


This personal data is therefore processed for these purposes in order to safeguard your legitimate interests of ensuring the security of your connection and your personal data while you are obtaining information and services from NetEase.


13. Improve our services

We may ask you to participate in surveys about the Service to help us improve existing services or design new services; at the same time, we may use your information for software updates. This personal data is therefore processed for these purposes in order to safeguard our legitimate interests of improving our services in this way.


14. Other Use of Anonymous Information

You understand and agree that, in certain instances, upon the collection of your information, we will de-identify and fully anonymize the data through technical means, so that it no longer constitutes personal data directly or indirectly related to an individual, such as you. The de-identified information will not identify you or be related to you. In such case, we have the right use such de-identified information to analyze and commercialize the user database.


If we use your information for other purposes not specified in this Policy, we will ask for your consent in advance through page prompts, interactive processes, website announcements or other means. Once you agree, such additional use of your information will be considered as part of and apply to this Policy.


15. Notice about Permissions for Particular Functions

You understand and agree that, we may apply for certain access rights on your device in order to collect and use information related to particular functions and services. Such as:


(1) Only with your permission, we may access to your storage space, so that you can cache, download and save the content.

(2) Only with your permission, we may access to your device information and make it as the unique identification of your device, so that we can provide you with more content and personalized recommendations that meet your needs, help you understand the suitability of the product and identify abnormal conditions, ensure security of network and operation of the Service.


Regarding to permissions of access to album/camera, contact list, microphone, location, calendar (including reading and writing), when you need to terminate any permissions, most mobile devices will support your needs. Please refer to or contact the service provider or manufacturer of your mobile device for details. When you give us any permissions, you authorize us to collect and use relevant information to provide you with the corresponding services. Once you withdraw any permissions, your authorization terminates, and we will no longer continue to collect and use relevant information, nor will we be able to provide you with corresponding services. However, the previous collection and use of the information made under your authorization will not be affected.


16. Exceptions to Get Authorization

According to relevant laws and regulations, collecting your information under the following circumstances does not need to get your authorization:


(1) related to performance of obligations according to applicable laws and regulations;

(2) related to public safety, public hygiene and material public interests;

(3) related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

(4) it is difficult to obtain your own consent for the maintenance of material legal rights and interests such as the life and property of the main body of the information or other individuals;

(5) the information collected is disclosed by yourself to the public;

(6) information collected from legally disclosed information, such as the channels including legitimate news reports and governmental information disclosure;

(7) necessary to sign a contract according to your request;

(8) necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the Service, for example, discover and deal with the failure of products or services;

(9) necessary for legitimate news reports;

(10) necessary for academic research institutions to conduct statistical or academic research based on public interest, and when provided outbound results of academic research or description, the information contained in such results will be de-identified;

(11) other circumstances as stipulated by applicable laws and regulations.


17.Special Notice about the Personal Sensitive Information

Personal sensitive information refers to the personal information that may endanger personal and property safety and easily lead to damage to personal reputation, physical and mental health or discriminatory treatment once disclosed, illegally provided or abused.


For example, ID card number, personal identification information (such as characteristics of face recognition, voice print, etc.), bank accounts, contact list information, communication records and content, property information (including virtual property, virtual currency, virtual trading), location information, web browsing history, healthy physiological information, transaction information is your sensitive personal information. Please be careful to your sensitive personal information. You agree that we can process your sensitive personal information in accordance with the Policy.



III. How Will We Use COOKIES and Similar Technologies

We or our third party partners may obtain and use your information through COOKIES and WEB BEACON and save this information as log information.


By using COOKIES, we provide users with a simple and easy-to-use personalized web experience. A COOKIES is a small amount of data that is sent from a web server to your browser and stored on your computer's hard drive. We use COOKIES to allow its users to benefit. For example, to make the login process of the Heyo virtual community faster, you can choose to save the username in a COOKIES. This will make it easier and faster to login into the Service next time. COOKIES can help us to determine the webpages and content you are connected to, time you spend on certain service, and the service you have chosen.


COOKIES enables us to serve you better and faster, and to make your experience on the Service more personal. However, you should be able to control whether and how COOKIES is accepted by your browser. Please check the documentation attached to your browser for more information on this.


We or our third party partners may collect and use your information through COOKIES and WEB BEACON, and store such information. We use our own COOKIES and WEB BEACON for the following purposes:


(1) Remember your identity. For example, COOKIES and WEB BEACON help us identify you as our registered user, or save your preferences or other information provided by you to us.

(2) Analyze your use of our services. We can use COOKIES and WEB BEACON to understand for which activities you use the Service, or which services or service is the most popular. We may request your consent prior to using COOKIES and WEB BEACONS for these purposes.

(3) Advertising optimization. COOKIES and WEB BEACON help us to provide you with advertisements related to you based on your information instead of general advertising. We may request your consent prior to using COOKIES and WEB BEACONS for these purposes.


While we use COOKIES and WEB BEACON for the foregoing purposes, we may summarize and provide the information collected through COOKIES and WEB BEACON to advertisers and other partners to analyze how you and other users use the Service and for advertising services.


The Service may have COOKIES, WEB BEACON and similar technologies placed by advertisers and other partners. These COOKIES, WEB BEACON and similar technologies may collect information related to you for analyzing how users use such services, sending you advertisements that may be of interest to you, or evaluating the effectiveness of advertising services. The collection and use of such information by these third parties’ COOKIES, WEB BEACON and similar technologies are not governed by this Policy, but are governed by its own personal information protection statement, and we are not responsible for the third party's COOKIES, WEB BEACON or similar technologies.


You can also reject or manage COOKIES or WEB BEACON through the browser (if you access the Services via a browser) or user selection mechanism. However, please note that if you disable COOKIES or WEB BEACON, we may not be able to provide you with the best service experience, and some services may not work properly. At the same time, you will still receive ads, but the relevance of these ads to you will decrease.



IV. We May Share, Transfer or Disclose the Information

(I) Share

Except for the following circumstances, without your consent, we will not share your information with any third party other than Heyo:


1. Provide you with our services. We may share your information with our partners and other third parties in order to achieve the core functions you need or to provide the services you need, such as payment service, data service.


2. Maintain and improve our services. We may share your information with our partners and other third parties to help us provide you with more targeted and improved services, such as communication service providers that push notifications on our behalf;


3. Achieve the purposes described in Section II “How Will We Collect and Use Personal Information”;


4. Perform our obligations under this Policy or other agreements entered into between you and us and exercise our rights;


5. Share with third parties including the partners who entrusts us to promote, but we will only provide such third parties with the information relating to the coverage and effectiveness of the promotion, not any information which will identify you, such as name, telephone number or email address (if any); or we will summarize the information so that it will not identify you personally. For example, we can notify such third parties how many people viewed their promotional information or purchased their goods after viewing such information, or provide them with statistical information that could not identify personal identity and help them understand their audiences or customers.


6. To the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, in order to comply with such law and regulations, protect us and our affiliates or partners, you, other users, or the public interest, property or safety from harm, such as to prevent fraud and other illegal activities and reduce credit risk, we may exchange information with other companies and organizations. However, this does not include information sold, rented, shared, or otherwise disclosed for profit making in violation of the commitments made in this Policy;


7. Help you deal with your disputes or controversy with others upon your legitimate request;


8. Provide your information in response to the legitimate requests of you and/or your guardian;


9. Provide your information according to the individual service agreement signed with you (including the online signed electronic agreement and the corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents;


10. Provide your information based on academic research;


11. Provide your information based on the social and public interests that are in conformity with applicable laws and regulations.


We will only share your information for legitimate, justifiable, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes. For companies, organizations, and individuals with whom we share the information, we will sign strict confidentiality agreements with them and ask them to process information in accordance with our instructions, this Policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.


(II) Transfer

1. As with the continuous development of our business, we may conduct mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will ask new companies and organizations that hold your information to continue to be bound by this Policy. Otherwise, we will ask the company and organization to ask you for authorization again.


2. With your explicit consent, we will transfer your information to other parties.


(III) Disclosure

We will disclose your information only under the following conditions and in compliance with industry-standard security measures:


1. Disclose your designated information in the manner to which you explicitly agree according to your needs;


2. Where it is necessary to provide your information in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations, mandatory administrative enforcement or judicial requirements, we may disclose your information in accordance with the type of information requested and the manner of disclosure. In compliance with applicable laws and regulations, when we receive the above request for disclosure of information, we will require the recipient to show corresponding legal documents, such as subpoenas or investigation letters. We firmly believe that the information required to be provided by us should be as transparent as possible to the extent permitted by applicable laws. We have carefully reviewed all requests to ensure that they are legally valid and are limited to the data that law enforcement agencies have obtained for their specific legal purposes.


(IV) Exceptions to Get Authorization

According to relevant laws and regulations that are applicable, collecting sharing, transferring and disclosing your information under the following circumstances does not need to get your authorization:


(1) Directly related to public safety/security, public health and material public interests;

(2) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

(3) It is difficult to obtain your own consent for the maintenance of material legal rights and interests such as the life and property of the main body of the information or other individuals;

(4) Information collected is disclosed by yourself to the public;

(5) Information collected from legally disclosed information, such as the channels including legitimate news reports and governmental information disclosure;

(6) Performance of obligations under applicable laws and regulations;

(7) Other circumstances as stipulated by applicable laws and regulations.


According to applicable laws and regulations, it will not be deemed as sharing, transferring and publicly disclosing personal information to share, transfer, publicly disclose de-identified personal information by which the data receiver can not re-identify natural person subject. We may save and process such data without prior notice or your consent.



V. How Will We Keep, Save and Protect the Information

We retain your information only during the period required by the purposes described in this Policy and within the time limit required by applicable laws and regulations. If we terminate the Service, we will promptly cease activities of collecting your personal information according to relevant laws and regulations that are applicable. After the termination of the Service, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, unless otherwise stipulated by applicable laws, regulations or regulatory authorities.


The information we collect and generate within the Service is stored in Singapore. You agree to authorize us to store and transfer your personal information/data across borders through this Policy. We ensure that your personal information is adequately protected in accordance with this Policy and relevant applicable laws and regulations. We will take the following measures to protect your information:


(I) Data Security Technology Measures

We will adopt industry-standard security protection measures, including the establishment of reasonable system specifications and security technologies to prevent unauthorized access and modification to your information, avoid the damage or loss of your data. For example, in some services, we will use encryption technology (such as SSL) to store and protect your information, and isolate it via isolation technology. In the use of information (such as information display, information-related computing), we will use a variety of data desensitization technologies to enhance the security, and use strict data access control and multiple identity authentication technologies to protect the date from being used illegally.


(II) Other Security Measures Adopted by Us to Protect the Information

We manage and regulate the storage and use of information by establishing a data classification hierarchy, data security management rules, and data security development regulations. We conduct comprehensive data security control through information access confidentiality agreements, monitoring and auditing mechanisms. We also strengthen the security awareness. For example, we hold security and privacy protection training courses to strengthen employees’ awareness of the importance of protecting information.


(III) We only allow our employees and partners who need to know the information to access to your information, and set strict access control and monitoring mechanisms for this purpose. We also require that all personnel who may have access to your information perform the corresponding confidentiality obligations. Failure to perform these obligations may result in legal liability or suspension of cooperation with Heyo.


(IV) We will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that no unrelated information is collected.


(V) The internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and the methods used to communicate with other users, such as e-mail, instant messaging, social software or other service software, cannot be determined to be fully encrypted. We recommend that you use complicated passwords when using such kinds of tools and carefully protect your Information security.


(VI) The internet environment is not 100% secure, and we will do our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send to us. If our physical, technical, or management protective facilities are destroyed, resulting in unauthorized access to information, public disclosure, alteration, or destruction, and your legitimate rights and interests are damaged, we will assume corresponding legal liabilities.


(VII) Dealing with Security Incidents

When communicating with third parties through the Service, you will inevitably disclose your information to the counterparty or potential counterparties. Please protect your information and provide it to others only when necessary.

In order to cope with possible risks such as information disclosure, damage and loss, we have formulated a number of systems to clarify the classification and grading standards for security incidents and security vulnerabilities and the corresponding processing procedures. We also set up a specific emergency response team for security incidents. According to the requirements of the security incident handling regulations, we will initiate security preplans for different security incidents, conduct stop loss, analysis, positioning, formulate remedial measures, and trace and crack with relevant departments jointly.


Upon the occurrence of unfortunate information security incidents, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations: the basic information and possible impact of security incidents, the measures we have taken or will take, and recommendations on your own precautions and risk reduction, remedial measures for you and so on. At the same time, we will promptly inform you of the incident-related situation by push notification, etc. When it is difficult to notify the information subject one by one, we will issue a notice in a reasonable and effective manner. Meanwhile, we will also voluntarily report the disposal of information security incidents in accordance with regulatory requirements.


Please understand that due to technical limitations and risk prevention limits, even if we have strengthened our security measures as much as possible, we cannot always guarantee 100% security of the information. You need to understand that the system and communication network used by you to access to the Service may have problems due to circumstances beyond our control. Please be sure to take good care of your account, password and other identity elements, which are used by us to identify you when you use the Service. It may make you suffer losses for you to disclose the foregoing information. If you find that any of the foregoing information may or have been leaked, please contact us immediately as guided in Section X “How to Contact Us” below so that we can take appropriate measures in time to avoid or reduce related losses.



V. How to Manage Your Information

(I) Access, Rectify, Update, Object and Delete

We encourage you to rectify, update and modify your information to make it correct, more accurate and effective. You can access to your information and complete such conduct by yourself through the Service, or request us to do relevant modification, supplement or deleting. We will use appropriate technical methods to ensure you can access to, update, correct and delete your own information or other information provided or generated by you when you use the Service as much as possible.


For the purpose of maintaining your information secure, when accessing to, updating, correcting and deleting the above information, we may ask you to do identity verification at first. Upon making a request to access to, update, correct or delete your personal data, we will assess whether there is any rule or exception under the applicable laws that may enable us to object to your request, and inform you of this decision.


For your information collected through COOKIES and WEB BEACON, we also explain the selection mechanism provided to you in Section III “How Will We Use COOKIES and Similar Technologies”. If you desire to search, modify or delete your partial information, please log into Heyo account to complete relevant operations. In case you have any question or request to access to, rectify, update, modify and delete your data, you can contact us pursuant to the means explained in Section X “How to Contact Us” below.


Unless otherwise stipulated by applicable laws and regulations, when you correct or delete your personal information or apply for cancellation of an account, we may not immediately correct or delete the relevant information from the backup system, but we will correct or delete such information when the backup is updated.


(II) Publish and Share

The Service allow you to share your information not only with your social network, but also with all users who use Heyo, such as information uploaded or posted by you on Heyo, your response to the information uploaded or posted by others, your personal information uploaded or published in the public area which is available to non-specific users in the Service, and also the location data and log information related to such information. As long as you do not delete the information you published or shared, such information may remain in the public domain; even if you delete the shared information, such information still may be cached, copied or saved independently by other users or third parties who are not under our control, or be kept in the public domain by other users or such third parties. If you publish or share information through above channels, which results in the disclosure of your information, we will not be liable for it. Therefore, we kindly remind you and request you to carefully consider whether or not to publish or share your information through above channels.


(III) Cancellation

Subject to conditions specified in the service agreement in relation to the Service and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations that are applicable, your account for the Service may be cancelled or deleted. After the account is cancelled or deleted, all service information and data related to such account and the Service will be deleted or processed according to the service agreement in relation to Heyo. You can finish the cancellation of your Heyo account according to the guidance in related operation page in Heyo.


(VI) Change the Scope of Your Consent

Some information is required to use the Service, but the provision of most other information is on your decision or consent. Where the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you can always select whether or not to disclose the information. You can change the scope of your consent to us to continue to collect the information or withdraw your consent by means of withdrawing it, deleting information, turning off device functions and so on. You may also withdraw your consent by contacting us pursuant to the means explained in Section X “How to Contact Us” below.


After you withdraw your authorization, we are unable to continue to provide you with the service corresponding to such withdrawal, and will not process your corresponding information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the information processing previously based on your consent.


(V) Tips for Sensitive Information

Certain information may be considered being sensitive information because of its particularity, such as your race, religion, personal health and medical information, as well as identification documents, personal biometric information, property information, traces, information of minors, etc.


Please note the content and information provided, uploaded or posted by you on the Service (such as photos or information about your social activities) may reveal your sensitive information. You need to carefully consider whether or not to use the Service to disclose your sensitive information. When you do so, we will understand that you give your explicit consent to us to process such sensitive information. You agree that your sensitive information will be treated in accordance with the purposes and manner described in this Policy.


(VI) Constraint Information System Automatic Decision

In some business functions, we may make decisions based solely on non-human automated decision mechanisms such as information systems, algorithms, and so on. If these decisions significantly affect your legitimate rights and interests, you may request us for an explanation and we will provide appropriate remedies.


To respond to your above request and for the security reason, you may need to provide a written request and prove your identity for us to verify. Your reasonable request will not be charged in principle, but the request that is repeated, submitted by many times or beyond the reasonable limit will be charged a certain cost. We may refuse requests that are unnecessarily repetitive, require too much technology (such as the development of a new system or a fundamental change in existing practices), pose a risk to the legitimate interests of others, or are highly impractical (such as those involving backing up information held on tape).


We will not be able to respond to your above request under the following circumstances:

1. Related to our performance of obligations under relevant laws and regulations that are applicable;

2. Directly related to public security, public health and major public interests;

3. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

4. We have sufficient evidence to show that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;

5. For the purpose of protecting the life, property and other important legitimate rights and interest of you or other individuals, but it is difficult to get your consent;

6. Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;

7. Involving commercial secrets;

8. Exceptions to other relevant laws and regulations that are applicable.



VI. Service Provided by Third Parties

The Service may link to the social media or other services provided by third parties (including websites or other forms of services), including:


(1) You may use “share” button to share some content in the Service to a third-party, or you can use a third-party service to log into the Service. These features may collect your information (including your log information), and may put COOKIES on your device to properly operate the above features;

(2) We may provide you with links through advertisements or other means of our services to enable you access to the services or websites of third parties; and

(3) Other circumstances of accessing to services of third parties. For example, to achieve purposes stated in this Policy, we may access to SDK or similar applications provided by third-party providers (such as in the form of embedded code, plug-ins, etc.) so that we can provide you better customer service and user experience.


The third-party service providers we may access mainly include the following types:


(1) for the advert-related service, including advertising display, advertising data statistics and monitoring, etc.;

(2) for the message push function, including mobile phone manufacturer push, specific event reminder, personalized recommendation, etc.;

(3) for the payment related service, including order payment, transaction behavior verification, income settlement, payment information summary statistics, etc.;

(4) for the face recognition function;

(5) to obtain the device location permission, collect device information and log information, etc. under your consent;

(6) for third-party authorization services, including login of third-party accounts and sharing of relevant content to third-party products;

(7) to support product function modules, including voice playback, video playback, content storage, etc.;

(8) to optimize product performance, including improving hardware distribution network capability, reducing server cost, functional hot repair, etc.;

(9) for account security, product reinforcement related services, including network monitoring, domain name resolution (HTTDNS), anti-hijacking, anti-spam and anti-cheating, encryption and decryption services;

(10) for anti-garbage filtering service of audio, video and text content;

(11) to cooperate with supervision, including access to blacklist sharing system, etc.


Some third-party SDKs or similar applications we access may involve the collection of user information, and if you use such services provided by third parties in the Service, you agree that your information will be directly collected and processed by them. We will evaluate the legality, legitimacy and necessity of the information collected by such third parties, require them to take protective measures against your information, and strictly comply with relevant laws, regulations and requirements that are applicable.


These third-party social media and other services are operated by relevant third parties. Your use of the social media services or other services of such third parties (including the provision of your information by you to such third parties) must be subject to their terms of service and information protection statement (but not this Policy) and you must read carefully such terms. This Policy only applies to any information collected by us, but not applies to services provided by third parties or their information use rules, and we are not liable for the use of information provided by you to any third parties.



VII. Age Limit

Heyo service is provided to adults only. No minor (meaning natural persons who have not reached the specified age stipulated by applicable laws) is allowed to create his or her own user account and/or use our services. We will protect information about minors in accordance with relevant laws and regulations that are applicable.


We do not knowingly process personal data from any minor without his/her guardian’s consent. If you believe we have any personal data from any minor under your guardianship, please contact us via the contact information set forth in Section X “How to Contact Us”, we will promptly investigate (and remove, if applicable) such personal information. We will only use or disclose the personal information of minors when permitted by laws and regulations, with the express consent of guardians or when necessary to protect minors.



IX. Notice and Amendment

We may revise the terms of this Policy as appropriate and such modifications form part of this Policy. For major changes (meaning significant changes, such as significant changes of our service mode, ownership structure, main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure, your right to participate in the processing of personal information and the way to exercise it, our responsible department responsible for dealing with the security of personal information, contact information and complaint channels), we will provide more noticeable notices, and you may choose to stop using the Service. In such case, if you continue to use the Service, you agree to be bound by this Policy as revised.


Any amendment will put your satisfaction in the first place. We encourage you to review our Policy each time you use the Service.


We may publish service-related announcements when necessary (for example, when we suspend certain service due to system maintenance). You may not be able to cancel these announcements that are related to the service and that are not in the nature of promotion.


Finally, you must be obligated to keep your account and password confidential. In any case, please take care of such information safely.



X. How to Contact Us

If you have any complaints or reports about the security of online information, or if you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this policy and matters regarding your information, and any questions regarding this statement or Heyo's privacy practices, please contact us by the email address of  saka.service@gmail.com

If you have any issues with or concerns regarding the processing of your personal data by Heyo, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent data protection authority. 



